Tasmania Sea Urchin
There are two types of sea urchins in Tasmanian waters, the short spined sea urchin, Heliocidaris erythrogramma which is endemic to Tasmania and has well established markets and is being harvested from August to December.
The second species is Long spined sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. The long spined urchin has become established in Tasmanian waters following changes to the East Australian Current which has allowed this invasive species to be transported from New South Wales to the east coast of Tasmania. These are harvested from January till August every year.

Where do we harvest our Sea Urchin?

The Tasman Sea is a marginal sea of the South Pacific Ocean, situated between Australia and New Zealand. The Tasman Sea is know for it's clean pure waters which shares it's ecosystem with an abundance of healthy and thriving marine life. This makes for the best areas for seafood harvesting, not to mention, Sea Urchin.

Diving and Harvesting Sea Urchin
The commercial diver need to be equipped with technical knowledge of overseeing the kelp conditions and to harvest the best age of sea urchin for the best quality of the sea urchin roes. These divers are all environmentally conscious and help to keep our reef in a good balance of kelp regrowth and the spawning of sea urchin.
HACCP Certified Processing Facility
HACCP Certification is a system that recognizes that a food business has developed, documented and implemented systems and procedures in accordance with HACCP.
HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control point and is basically a tool to help identify and control food safety hazards that may occur within the food business.
So you can be assured that all our produce from Tasmania Sea Urchin is at the epitome of quality for all our clients and retail customers.

The Freshest Sea Urchin in Australia
The Tasmania Sea Urchin harvested off the rocky beds of the Tasman Sea is not only mouthwatering to the eyes but also packs a punch in taste. If you're a natural Sea Urchin lover, you'll love the meaty sea urchin's we have in stock.
Our Sea Urchin (Long Spine) can grow up to 30 centimeter in diameter with a tinge of natural sweetness which will be sure to satisfy.